


ESG Strategy Release time:2023-06-09
The ESG vision of Sino Biopharmaceutical, is to effectively practice our mission of "Science for a healthier world" through high-quality ESG management, support the Healthy China initiative, seek health and well-being for more patients, and make more diseases to be treated. Meanwhile, we control risks, seize opportunities, promote the harmonious development of company, employee, society and environment, provide strong support for the sustainable development of company, and create long-term value for ourselves and partners.   To ensure the realization of the Sino Biopharmaceutical ESG Strategy, the Group has formulated the ESG governance strategy based on "CARE", with "Cure, Accessible, Relationship, Environmental" as the four-core direction, promote the organic integration of ESG Strategy and development strategy of the Group, promote high quality and sustainable development of the Group's business.  

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